Monday 11 June 2018

Disney Dream Girls 213 - Fandaze in Disneyland Paris

Welcome to the show notes for the Disney Dream Girls Podcast, show number 213 for Sunday 10th June 2018. If you want to listen, whilst you read these notes, all you have to do is press the green triangle on the audio player below. Alternatively, why not listen to us via iTunes, Stitcher Radio or any podcast catching place!
Coming up on this weeks show, Michelle is joined by Mark Petar of the IMDO Podcast to talk about his experiences about attending the inaugural Fandaze event that was held in Disneyland Paris on the weekend of 2nd/3rd June 2018.
Those of you who listen regularly to the show, you will know Mark is an avid character fan. He himself states that he has frequently waited in excess of three hours for a character opportunity. So when Disney announced this event and that there were to be special packages with exclusive meets, it was inevitable that Mark would be booking to attend.
First meet and greet for Oswald and Ortensia
Once he had been able to secure his package to attend the event (which he details the contents of this on the podcast). His first thoughts were to what to wear! 

After much discussion between him and his partner Alyssa, they decided to make their own outfits as a homeage to the event rather than an outright Disney bound. At some point in the near future, Alyssa will be looking into selling custom-made outfits but for now you can always purchase a pair of her bespoke ears via @Queen_Ursula_uk
With outfits sourced and made, it was off to the event. As this was an inaugural event, Mark admits there were things Disney could have done better. However, he said it was a fantastic event for Disneyland Paris. 
Max Live was a highlight
A must was to meet Roger Rabbit

In their Fandaze best attire
If you want to read more about the Fandaze event, Alyssa goes into great detail on her blog Alternatively, you can follow Mark @FuseMP and find his Podcast IMDO in all good podcast catching places.
As usual, you can contact us:
Twitter and Instagram @DisDreamGirls


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