Wednesday, 4 May 2022

408 - May the 4th be with you (and Hank Lonely)

Photo Credit Len Testa

Welcome to this extra special Disney Dream Girls Podcast, show number 408 for  May 4th 2022.

If you want to listen right now - click on the audio player below. Otherwise, you can catch the show in all good podcast catching places and don't forget to share on your social media channels too!

Photo Credit - Len Testa The 8x10 glossy Len gave away
This is an extra special show to celebrate May the 4th and we welcome our guest Len Testa of Touring Plans to talk about elements of his stay on The Halcyon Starcruiser as well as making his prediction for the opening of the new Tron attraction.

Are you considering a trip on the Star Cruiser? Maybe you are just intrigued? 

Well, you must listen in to this show to hear Len's backstory and details of his experience. 

A rare find - a signed Hank Lonely 8 x 10 glossy - Photo Credit Len Testa
Hank's evening attire - photo credit Len Testa

Photo Credit - Len Testa
If you want to hear more from Len, we highly recommend listening in to the Disney Dish (available in all good podcasting catching places). Additionally, for trip planning to Disneyland and Walt Disney World - visit

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We are proudly part of the After Dark Podcast Network @TADPodNetwork

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